Certificates    Accomplishments


Safety award/2014

For our role in selection of Phase 12 as the superior HSE project in South Pars Gas Field Development, achieving the record of 17.5 million man-hours without lost time injury

Appreciation / 2014
The first management conference of road construction and mining machinery

 For navrood valuable support

Thanks / 2012
The fourth international conference of construction and energy industry

For Navrood’s valuable support in organizing the 4th International Conference on Construction and Energy Industry

Record in metal frame installation/ 2010/South Pars Phases 17 and 18 project

For Achieving a national record in the installation of main piperack (average of 1800 tons per month)

Certificate of appreciation and memorial statue / 2010
Oil Industries Engineering and Construction Company (OIEC)

Appreciation letter and memorial statue for Navrood’s role in the completion and operation of the 9th and 10th phases of South Pars

Certificate of appreciation/2009
Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization

Appreciation and thanks for the efforts and efforts of the CEO and employees of Navrood for the correct and timely implementation of the projects of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization.

Certificate of approval/2007
Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization

Consent letter regarding the seriousness, management and executive ability of Navroud in the operations under the commitment and compliance with the employer’s efficiency and expediency in all situations and the quality of execution and shortening the time of executive operations in 4 projects of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization

Certificate of approval/2007

Consent letter regarding Navrood’s strong communication with the employer along with comprehensive cooperation with the employer as well as high financial and technical ability in the implementation of the project

Letter of appreciation / 2006
Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization

Appreciation for Navrood’s efforts in completing the grand Persian Gulf International Airport project

Saftey Award
Consortium (TIJD TEC, IDRO, JGC, DIC)

Achieved 15 million man-hours without incident leading to work stoppage

Appreciation letter / 1384
Petropars Company

Appreciation for Navroud’s role in achieving the 6th, 7th, and 8th phases of South Pars project

Letter of appreciation / 2006
Pars Oil and Gas company

Appreciation for Navrood’s efforts in the construction of phases 6 to 8 of South Pars